Good, bad and ugly

Here we go ! In a hospital ward, on a bed with a view. Is that somehow better. I would prefer my own bed with multitudes of layers of blanket. More importantly my own bathroom. So what happened, how did I end up here. No big adventure, no big thrills. Monday morning woke up from a very disturbed sleep with frequent visits to the bathroom and severe stomach pain and lower back pain.This was not something new. This was continuation of my suffering from Thursday. If you know me, most likely not, I do not like taking medicines or going to doctor. So if I am going it means I am not really well. When thing started turning bad on Friday, I told myself, I will drink water and flush it out of the system. But by Sunday night thing8s werent getting in any better, that just my way of saying when things worsened, I decided I will request Gp for an emergency appointment. So Monday morning, I make the request, the receptionist follows through protocol. She tells me the GP will text me with the prescription. That seemed like finally, I would get the meds that I need. I was not really bad. Anyway thats what i told myself and logged in. I had a paracetemol for the pain and munched on the toast. I dint take the coffee, because it could make things worse. Had a swig of water. Listened in on a meeting. Just as the meeting progressed, I noticed I was shivering, my teeth were chaiaterring, and chills passing through me. As each chill passed through, a wave of pain emerged fromthe edge of the skull right into my neck and shoulders.


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