You feel so tired and exhausted. The only way your brain could function is with coffee. Drink some, drink some more and more. You are tired you drink coffee. You drink coffee you stay awake late night. Or you wake up all alert at 3 am. So sharp that extreme Suduko is complete in minutes and then you get up sleep deprived. You drink coffee to function. Doesnt help. Doesnt help at all when you are Iron defecient. You pop in Ferrous Sulphate as advised by Doctor. Iron upsets your tummy. Was the Ferrous to make you not tired or to make you tired. More Ferrous I take, more upset my tummy gets. More tired I get. Is it helping? To this deadly mix add coffee. Lifes all merry all around. Coffee to help you, where Ferrous fails. Coffee to help you all day long. Coffee to keep you going. Too tired, too tired. Oh my mind is so alert at 3am. Alert enough to solve all worlds problems. But making me tired all day long.
With the shivers going down my spine. I pulled in on the two throws, I had handy on my chair. But even with two layers things werent going any better. I wanted a few more layers. But I was literally frozen in my chair unable to move except for the involuntary shivers. Not sure what came over me, I started howling and crying. Mister came running hearing my howls in a while. He was asking me, what happened, I wasnt in a situation to utter a single word. I did finally tell him, I needed another blanket.He got that to me. The shivers were subsiding, but mister insisted we go to A& E. I tried to convince him that in couple of minutes I will get prescription from the gp and then back to happy days. He wasnt convinced. He was scared. And the arguement seemed meaningless I started shaking again. Its just shills and shivers. Nothing really to worry. A half-way mark where we can meet. I suggest we talk to 111, and if they suggest we go to A&E we go. Call to 111, a million questions late...
Everyone is selling something. Some are selling services and some products and others ideas. Join the Yoga class! Buy tickets for the event. Subscribe to my channel, follow me everywhere. Hmmm. All for sale
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